It was simply institutional, arrogant, superciliousness, the refusal to listen to a brown man speaking an inconvenient truth, expressing an informed perspective of his own lived experience about his own religion, which drove Milindji to push his body repeatedly beyond its limits, to an untimely death. The roots of this attitude and sense of entitlement lie in established American evangelical theology - the Doctrine of Discovery.
Milind's Law
Milind's Law asserts that if a person in a position of authority in the Public Sphere, is aligned to an ideology which 'others' or 'demeans' members of a particular religious group, viewing themselves as doctrinally superior and the group and its members as doctrinally inferior, such a person is required to declare their Conflict of Religious Interest and recuse themselves. Failure to declare such a Conflict of Religious Interest would be a criminal offence and render decisions arrived at under such deception as invalid and void.
milind's law
Milind's Law recognizes that Religious Scriptures and ideologies contain supremacist and discriminating concepts. This Law recognizes that such concepts are destructive of Diversity, Inclusion and Equity and have historically been responsible for the grossest of human rights abuses and the shadow of these events and ideologies, is present in all modern inter-faith intersections and is a cause of recurrent friction. The current law is inadequate in that it does not recognize the existence of 'Religious Conflict of Interest'. It is because of the Californian Civil Rights Departments determination to deny American Hindus their right to consultation and representation that Milind Makwana recovering from cardiac surgery, chose to from pillar to post in order to be heard,
Milind's Law asserts that if a person in a position of authority in the Public Sphere is aligned to an ideology which 'others' or 'demeans' members of a religious groups, such persons are required to declare their Conflict of Religious Interest and recuse themselves.